Among the aspects that fascinate me about the Alpine environment is its intrinsic variety: it is a ‘vertical space’, subject to changes much more rapidly than perhaps any other type of place on earth, but even though it presents itself in very different forms over a few hours’ walk, it maintains its charm intact – if not increased. You can think, by contrast, of the plain, which always remains the same for hundreds of kilometres, and where the only differences are often generated only by human action. The painting juxtaposes different Alpine environments determined by altitude, so that each part corresponds to an example of a landscape at 1000m (valley floor), 2000m (meadows and mountain pastures) and 3000m (perennial snow). The work is inspired by personal reflections and experiences, as well as by the novel “Le otto montagne” by Paolo Cognetti.

The three altitudes
Oil on wood panel
60x100 cm
Private Collection(BEL)