
My name is Sofia Fresia, I live and work between the upper Val Bormida and Turin where I studied Painting at the Albertina Academy of Fine Arts.

My artistic practice arises from the desire to observe and critically rework contemporaneity, especially the new difficulties and responsibilities that being young citizens today in the so-called welfare society entails.

The elements present in my paintings often have an autobiographical reference, linked to my experience as a swimmer and traveling hiker.

In October 2018 I obtained a first level degree with the thesis entitled “Drift and wreck. The art of wreck as a search for salvation “. In this work I address the issue of failure and that of the lack of stable references for young people through images taken from the swimming competitions’ world and recreational pools. In 2019 I had the opportunity to take part in a period of Erasmus + mobility in France at the ESAD Grenoble. In March 2021 I graduated (MFA) with the project “Surreality. The unexpected present“, wich focuses on the social changes resulting from the Covid-19 pandemic.

In recent years I have taken part in several art residencies (including Via Farini, Pilotenkueche, Casa Walser, ALA, Paratissima), art prizes (including Arte Laguna, Combat, Candiani, Nocivelli) and collaborated with corporate and museum entities.

Since 2023 I’ve been represented by Febo e Dafne art gallery (Turin) and Contempo art gallery (Pergine Valsugana, Tn).

Selected exhibitions

2024, Da mare a mare, Forte S. Giovanni, Finale Ligure (Sv).

2024, IX Michele Cea Prize, Ex Fornace Gola, Milano.

2023, Paesaggio sociale, Contempo art gallery, Pergine Valsugana (Tn).

2023,  Rifugio Mentale, Febo e Dafne art gallery, Torino.

2023, Luigi Candiani Art Prize, Spazio Arte Contemporanea, Robecchetto con Induno (Mi).

2023, Migrazioni stagionali, Hobelté, Gressoney-Saint-Jean.

2023, XVI Arte Laguna Prize, Arsenale nord, Venezia.

2022, XIII Combat Prize, Museo Civico Giovanni Fattori ex Granai di Villa Mimbelli, Livorno.

If you are interested in my complete CV and portfolio, they are available below:

CV Sofia Fresia

PORTFOLIO Sofia Fresia

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